On top of the world

On top of the world

Friday, December 6, 2013


As I've gotten older my interests have shifted greatly. While I still enjoy some of the things I used to, my interests have expanded. In addition to my interest in amateur photography I also love hiking. 

I've always loved being outdoors, even when I was a kid and teenager. I learned to ski when I was 4 years old and went every year up until age 12. My mother never allowed my brothers and I to sit inside and watch television after school. She said "play outside until dark or dinner, whichever comes first!" And, that's exactly what we would do. From bike rides, to mud puddles, leaf piles, and sledding - I'd done it all. I guess I feel connected to life when so much other forms of life are surrounding me.

My other artisitic hobbies used to be singing, musical theatre, and basic guitar playing. Living with roommates didn't leave much room for spontaneous musical expression because who wants to listen to that while trying to study or watch television and unwind?

I'd like to share the view of the world from "on top of the world"
through my photos.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Photography Experimentation

This is my kitten. Her name is Willow :). While trying to learn more about how to use my Nikon D3100, she is often my model of choice. Here are a few images I've taken of her. To get the airy, light feel of the image I adjusted the aperture to allow more light to come into the lens. 

 Any comments or suggestions?

Arts have always been therapeutic for me. In high school I gravitated towards musical theatre, guitar, and singing. Being a nursing student leaves little time for the things I used to really enjoy. Finding that in the midst of all of my analytical schooling, I was missing my creative side, I decided to take up photography. 

Thanks for reading,
